Thursday 21 April 2011

Act 4

1. How do you feel about Romeo being exiled from Verona?
2. How do you plan to get back at the Capulet’s for their actions: killing Mercutio and Romeo’s situation?
3. Are you going to get Romeo back into Verona, if so how?
4. Since hearing about Juliet’s death, do you think Romeo knows and how would he feel?
5. Do you think the Capulet’s blame Romeo for Juliet’s death?

Romeo being exiled from Verona had taken a toll on us, as he is our only son and heir to this well-known family. He is our pride and joy and being away from him is hard and hurts. I don’t understand why he was punished; all he did was kill Tybalt for killing Mercutio on a cheap shot. Tybalt had it coming after a blow under Romeo’s arm. We are going to punish the Capulet’s now, get them while they are down about Juliet’s death. We do have a plan but that’s a secret only for the Montague family, and those that plan to destroy and cause terror for the Capulet family know as well. We are also trying to get Romeo allowed back in however we are going to do that before getting even with the Capulet’s. We have help from the Friar with dealing with the Prince and if nothing is possible all hell will break loose and all will pay. I am unsure if Romeo knows about Juliet’s death, if he knows I am sure he is a mess and just wishes to see her one last time. The Capulet’s more then likely see Romeo at fault for her death because right after he left she went to see the Friar and then the next morning she was dead. We feel the same way just our son isn’t dead just exiled for life.


  1. Are you worried about you son being away from home? How are you guys tryin to keep in contact?

  2. Of course we are worried to have Romeo being away from home. We are keeping contact through his page, Balthasar. We send letters to him every four days. He should be hearing about Juliet's death shortly.

  3. I can not imagine the pain you must be feeling for your banished son. Regardless of whether Romeo deserved his exile, you should keep contact with him. I know you can find a way to make the most of this.
