Tuesday 12 April 2011

Act 2

 Where is our son, he hasn’t been home and it’s the next day. We saw him yesterday morning all sad and depressed. I am afraid for his healthy well being, he is a sensitive young man. The other boys arrived home a bit tipsy, but they haven’t heard the whereabouts of Romeo, the last thing they remember is him slipping away. Hopefully he isn’t passed out in the bushes. Romeo please come home, we miss you. We are wondering what the hell happened to you. When you come home mister you are in deep trouble and you will be telling us all about your adventurous night. Your punishment will depend on when you decide to show your face and what you have gotten yourself into. When your drunk you do stupid things that you will regret and I hope that it isn’t that bad.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Romeo or has any information on where he might be, please contact us as soon as possible aka asap. 


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
    That is all.

    Parisistheshizz <3

  2. Romeo has some insannne newws for you guys. Just you wait. He'll be home soon. h83rz g0nna h8. Love yaaa :)

  3. blah blah blah blah
    im alive. and im married.
    love you guys

  4. Missing?! What news! Let's hope that good for nothing boy was attacked by a bear! <3

  5. He is safe and now a married man be happy for your son he is doing well :)

  6. Your son better watch his back! I'll tell you for a fact that he has spent the night fratenizing with my dear cousin Juliet. She has a tender heart you know.. You guys better get off you ass' and punish your son! Oh and can you do something for me?? Tell Romeo that I'm coming for him. I'm going to kill him.

  7. Benvolio and I took him to a Capulet party. He needed to let go of his love for Rosaline, and I think it worked, as he is now filled with joy when I see him.

  8. Your punk kid better stay away from my innocent daughter

  9. I did see him at my party....But I haven't seen him since, sorry to say.
