Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1

This is our fight, why are little punk kids jumping in; they have no part in The Capulet and Montague brawl. We are the real bloods of this family being punished for their aggressive out bursts that have nothing to do with us. “Three civil brawls, bred of any airy word / By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, / Have thrice disturbed the quite of our streets…” We are being blamed for the younger generations mistakes, this struggle for power will end in one of two ways, for us victory!

“O, where is Romeo? Saw you him today? …”  I am so worried about my son, he sulks all day seeing no light. Weeping and muffled sniffles is all the sound he makes, keeping me awake and concerned from dusk till dawn. And my husband worries too, “The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, / Away from lights steals home my heavy son / And private in this chambers pens himself, / Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, / And makes himself and artificial night. / Black and portentous must this humor prove / Unless good counsel may the cause remove.”  We haven’t found the reason yet so we asked Benvolio our nephew for help. He will speak to Romeo and find out why he is so blue, till then we wait and wonder hoping our son will be back to himself soon.


  1. Mom, DAD! Stop telling everybody about my personal problems -_- GOSH

  2. A fight's a fight and don't matter whose it is. We see a fight, we join. It's that simple. You had better keep a handle on your damned son. He's wheeling my cousin, that little traitor. He is a Montague and will never be with a Capulet. We are way too good for the likes of your son. Be gone and take the little shit with you. You don't belong here. You don't want a fight, move away, the fight won't follow. You can't just complain and expect people to change everything for you. Grow a pair and do something about it.

  3. Wow, even Juliet is less drama-queen than your pansy son.
    Your family is filth.

  4. must be Romeos time of the month. nobody can help your candy ass son, he needs to man up, oh and keep him on a shorter chain. If he comes to our next party you'll only recieve part of him back.

  5. I'm tired of hearing of this Romeo. Why aren't people talking more about me? My hair, my clothes. Have you seen my hat? It's sexy. I'm sexy. And all you talk about is Romeo?
    He is a total pansy.


  6. <3 you. your the bessst unc & annt evarrr .. :)

  7. Romeo is blue because of the maid known as Rosaline. She is a wicked witch of a woman who wants to never love a man in her life. Romeo sees that, despite loving her, she doesn’t love him.

  8. I am sure your son will be fine, Lady and Lord Montague. He's young and is probably going through some teenager problems.
