Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3

Sly and skilled known as the King of Cats, god forbid his name ever to be spoken again. He killed our good friend Mercutio and therefore his life had to end as well. Good for Romeo to kill that Capulet.

Prince: Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio. Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?
Me: Not Romeo, Prince; he was Mercutio’s friend; his fault concludes but what the law should end, the life of Tybalt.
Prince: And for that offense immediately we do exile him hence.

Why should Romeo pay the price when Tybalt started all this shenanigans. He deserved death when he killed Mercutio under the arm of Romeo, what a childish move. We are so disgusted with the Prince taking the side of the Capulet’s. Romeo doesn’t deserve to die or to be banished because he was only defending Mercutio and our family name. We are furious with the decision of Romeo being banished from Verona, this is where he grew up, and this is his home. We wont be able to see our son, he’s barely reached the age of manhood. How will he ever be able to carry on our family name and feud with the Capulet’s! I just don’t know how we will go on without him he was our only child. We miss you son, we wish you could come back we are trying to fix this mess for you.

Love Mom and Dad xoxo


  1. Thats the thanggg he shouldnt have to pay the price. Now ive lost both of my best buds...

  2. This WAS his home. And he became a man when he married Juliet. That's how it works, it was his choice.

  3. These are hard times for everyone close to Romeo and Mecutio. If you want, we could all get together at my place later and I could fix you all up something to make you feel better(at a price.) May Mercutio rest in peace and Romeo in Mantua.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. Romeo does not deserve this. He is an honourable man, which is much more than the Prince of Cats could ever aspire to be. Tybalt deserved death for my murder. Why should it matter that Romeo carried out the deed?
