Monday 2 May 2011

In the beginning we were Montague’s hating the Capulet’s but everything changed from a relationship between our son Romeo and the Capulet’s daughter Juliet. We wanted nothing more then to be the ones holding power and would do anything to gain it. We gave life to Romeo so without us he would not be a part in ending the feud. Our role was to teach Romeo how to hate the Capulet’s; I think we failed with that seeming how he fell in love with their daughter. A lot has happened in this week my son exiled from Verona leaving my wife depressed.

Lord Mon- “Alas, my liege, my wife is dead tonight! / Grief of my son’s exile hath stopped her breath. / What further woe conspires against mine age?”

In this exact moment I realized that everything is crumbling, I have lost both my wife and son. Maybe the path we have taken or have been given is the wrong one.

Cap- “O brother Montague, my me thy hand. / This is my daughter’s jointure, for no more can I demand.
Lord Mon- “But I can give thee more; / For I will raise her statue in pure gold, / That whiles Verona by that name is known, / There shall no figure at such rate be set / As that of true and faithful Juliet.”

This is the moment were our family feud ends, I am done with fighting and killing. So Capulet’s and Montague’s are just names now with no relevance. In the end Romeo and Juliet’s death helped us see, it’s just that the reality was harsh. The Montague’s and Capulet’s aren’t so different after all.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Act 4

1. How do you feel about Romeo being exiled from Verona?
2. How do you plan to get back at the Capulet’s for their actions: killing Mercutio and Romeo’s situation?
3. Are you going to get Romeo back into Verona, if so how?
4. Since hearing about Juliet’s death, do you think Romeo knows and how would he feel?
5. Do you think the Capulet’s blame Romeo for Juliet’s death?

Romeo being exiled from Verona had taken a toll on us, as he is our only son and heir to this well-known family. He is our pride and joy and being away from him is hard and hurts. I don’t understand why he was punished; all he did was kill Tybalt for killing Mercutio on a cheap shot. Tybalt had it coming after a blow under Romeo’s arm. We are going to punish the Capulet’s now, get them while they are down about Juliet’s death. We do have a plan but that’s a secret only for the Montague family, and those that plan to destroy and cause terror for the Capulet family know as well. We are also trying to get Romeo allowed back in however we are going to do that before getting even with the Capulet’s. We have help from the Friar with dealing with the Prince and if nothing is possible all hell will break loose and all will pay. I am unsure if Romeo knows about Juliet’s death, if he knows I am sure he is a mess and just wishes to see her one last time. The Capulet’s more then likely see Romeo at fault for her death because right after he left she went to see the Friar and then the next morning she was dead. We feel the same way just our son isn’t dead just exiled for life.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Act 3

Sly and skilled known as the King of Cats, god forbid his name ever to be spoken again. He killed our good friend Mercutio and therefore his life had to end as well. Good for Romeo to kill that Capulet.

Prince: Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio. Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?
Me: Not Romeo, Prince; he was Mercutio’s friend; his fault concludes but what the law should end, the life of Tybalt.
Prince: And for that offense immediately we do exile him hence.

Why should Romeo pay the price when Tybalt started all this shenanigans. He deserved death when he killed Mercutio under the arm of Romeo, what a childish move. We are so disgusted with the Prince taking the side of the Capulet’s. Romeo doesn’t deserve to die or to be banished because he was only defending Mercutio and our family name. We are furious with the decision of Romeo being banished from Verona, this is where he grew up, and this is his home. We wont be able to see our son, he’s barely reached the age of manhood. How will he ever be able to carry on our family name and feud with the Capulet’s! I just don’t know how we will go on without him he was our only child. We miss you son, we wish you could come back we are trying to fix this mess for you.

Love Mom and Dad xoxo

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Act 2

 Where is our son, he hasn’t been home and it’s the next day. We saw him yesterday morning all sad and depressed. I am afraid for his healthy well being, he is a sensitive young man. The other boys arrived home a bit tipsy, but they haven’t heard the whereabouts of Romeo, the last thing they remember is him slipping away. Hopefully he isn’t passed out in the bushes. Romeo please come home, we miss you. We are wondering what the hell happened to you. When you come home mister you are in deep trouble and you will be telling us all about your adventurous night. Your punishment will depend on when you decide to show your face and what you have gotten yourself into. When your drunk you do stupid things that you will regret and I hope that it isn’t that bad.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Romeo or has any information on where he might be, please contact us as soon as possible aka asap. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1

This is our fight, why are little punk kids jumping in; they have no part in The Capulet and Montague brawl. We are the real bloods of this family being punished for their aggressive out bursts that have nothing to do with us. “Three civil brawls, bred of any airy word / By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, / Have thrice disturbed the quite of our streets…” We are being blamed for the younger generations mistakes, this struggle for power will end in one of two ways, for us victory!

“O, where is Romeo? Saw you him today? …”  I am so worried about my son, he sulks all day seeing no light. Weeping and muffled sniffles is all the sound he makes, keeping me awake and concerned from dusk till dawn. And my husband worries too, “The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, / Away from lights steals home my heavy son / And private in this chambers pens himself, / Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, / And makes himself and artificial night. / Black and portentous must this humor prove / Unless good counsel may the cause remove.”  We haven’t found the reason yet so we asked Benvolio our nephew for help. He will speak to Romeo and find out why he is so blue, till then we wait and wonder hoping our son will be back to himself soon.